
Create Better Customer Experiences with Dynamic Content

Written by W4 | Apr 20, 2018 4:04:14 PM

Customers expect content tailored to their needs today. This means that static websites whose content has to address all possible user groups are no longer up-to-date. Personalized content needs dynamic content.

Elements of a website or email that are displayed in relation to the individual user are what we call dynamic content. When visiting a dynamic website, an unknown user will therefore see different content than an existing customer.

This can be illustrated quite easily using well-known examples: Netflix shows its users video recommendations based on their viewing preferences. YouTube also gives users personalized recommendations based on their viewing history. Netflix has adopted the principle of dynamic content for the content creation process by specifically developing series and films based on the viewing habits of its customers. Facebook is also a dynamic website. The social network's algorithm shows its registered users content it considers relevant based on their past behavior.

The goal of this type of personalization is to provide users with an individualized user experience. This also makes it easy for users to discover products they might like. Dynamic content is simply more relevant than one-fits-all static content. It goes without saying that dynamic content will boost sales on the part of companies. For example, it would make sense for a pizza delivery company to use location data to redirect users to the right store when ordering a pizza. 

Dynamic content: technology is key!

Dynamic Content is based on applications and scripts that run on the server that hosts each site. Once a user visits the website, a distinction is made as to whether they are known or unknown. If the user is already known, the appropriate content will be displayed to them based on the information known about them (eg location and/or purchase history).

Dynamic content is therefore a question of technology. Fortunately, there are marketing tools that allow marketers to design dynamic web pages or emails without having to code themselves. In this way, specific rules can be set up for individual content elements of a web page and content can be defined. Unknown users will see Content A. Users who have a high lead score will be offered content B, for example, a concrete offer. Known users with a low lead score may see a reference to a white paper, etc. Of course, this is only really effective if the company has a central and powerful database that records and evaluates every interaction with the company's communication channels.

In short, users expect personalized content today. Thanks to modern tools, dynamic content can be implemented relatively easily - even though the creation of content focused on individual user groups requires more effort than static content.
Read more: Content Marketing.