
Full speed ahead into the future of SEO

Written by W4 | Jun 25, 2019 9:23:11 AM

Search engine optimization from yesterday does not necessarily have to be up-to-date today. The search behavior of users changes constantly. A few days ago, completely different keywords than today may have been used for researching exactly the same topic. There are several reasons for a development like this. However, reacting immediately is what counts in order to guarantee a good ranking in the search results. It’s all about constantly checking your ranking and optimizing your content.

In our free whitepaper, you can learn what’s important in terms of SEO, why search engine optimization is constantly changing, and which trends and technical developments are still waiting for us.

Up-to-date with updates

It’s not only user-based changes but also technological developments that influence the placement of your content in the SERPs (search engine result pages). Updates of search engine algorithms for example can have drastic consequences for your ranking. 2018 was an exciting year regarding updates, in particular for Google. The introduction of mobile first indexing and the growing importance of structured data for the Google search ranking algorithm shook the rankings. SEOs had to react immediately – with all the consequences, a lot remains to be done now and in the future.

Technology – user – SEO

As in a ring-a-ring-a-roses dance, the three aspects technology, user and SEO are interdependent: if one shifts, the others have to adjust. If for example the user behavior changes due to technological progress, SEO is influenced by it, too.

The trend voice search is the best example for the results that technical progress has on customer behavior and with it, on the optimization of content in the search engines. Voice assistants like Alexa, Siri and Cortana have long since entered many devices and thus our lives as well. Thanks to them, search queries are being formulated vocally and by that, they get a dialogical character. It is as if one would talk to another human being. When using voice input, one formulates short sentences and phrases instead of just typing in keywords. One should also consider the altered search behavior when optimizing web content. Instead of short keywords, long tail keywords and meaningful phrases are in demand. Above all, FAQ pages (frequently asked questions) serve this type of search well.