
Voice Search – the Latest Challenge in Search Engine Optimization

Written by W4 | Apr 20, 2018 3:50:11 PM

If you want to produce digital content that can be found quickly in popular search engines, you will inevitably have to deal with search engine optimization (SEO). However, the latest developments must always be taken into account. Voice Search is surely one of the most important SEO trends.

Speaking vs. writing

Researching information using search engines has become a regular thing for most. Whether via smartphone, tablet or PC: We are constantly searching content using keywords, phrases or even sentences. However, more and more you hear people say "ok, Google ...". Smartphone users can start Google Voice Search with this simple command. Everything that comes afterwards is processed as would be written text input in the search bar. However, our choice of spoken words often differs significantly from our search query via text input.

Speech usually has a dialogical character. People formulate their query as if they were talking to their mobile device. The tonality of the request is much more natural and is usually longer than a search query entered via a keyboard.

According to Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google LLC, 20 percent of all mobile searches are conducted by voice. This very high number is almost certain to rise and is a good reason for you to optimize your content for Voice Search.

Optimizing content for Voice Search

Since voice searches are typically made on the go from mobile devices, they often have a geographic aspect.
An example: "Ok, Google, where is the next café?" The most striking part of this query is the phrase "the next". In this example, the user simply assumes that the mobile device knows their location. Language assistants can access GPD data to find "the next café". Businesses should therefore make sure that their content contains location information.

Furthermore, content should be designed as answers to questions mobile users might ask because keywords become less important. Instead, queries consist of whole phrases and questions. FAQ pages are an ideal example for this kind of content.

Moreover, the content must be mobile-friendly. This means the design needs to be responsive and loading times have to be kept short. After all, mobile users have no patience for websites that take too long to load when they are on the move. Texts should also be kept simple, short and well structured so that readers can quickly comprehend the most important information on the go.

In short, search engine optimization is constantly changing. If you want to see your content at the top of the search results, you have to check your content regularly and adapt to current trends. Voice Search is now becoming increasingly popular and will probably become even more important in the near future.