
What is Scrum?

Written by W4 | May 16, 2019 8:44:56 AM

The Scrum framework

Everybody is talking about agility: Many companies, particularly smaller ones, are increasingly focusing on agile project management in order to break up and optimize traditional processes. The goals are mostly similar: shorter planning periods, regular exchanges in a small team which has formed exclusively for this project as well as aiming for a high-quality output.

By now, there is a variety of methods when it comes to agile project management. One of these is Scrum.

Scrum originally started in the area of software development and was meant to help computer scientists realize agile processes by dividing the project in smaller units. This approach makes flexible reactions to unpredicted changes as well as productive performance possible thanks to regular exchanges regarding intermediate results. 

The Scrum framework is based on several working cycles. Sprint Planning, during which the tasks of every team member are planned, is part of it as is the Daily Scrum, a short daily meeting for exchanging information. The Product Backlog, which lists all tasks which yet have to be completed to finish the project, is part of the Scrum framework as is the Sprint Retrospective, in which the cooperation during the latest sprint is evaluated. 

The advantages of Scrum

Thanks to the small team, you are able to realize complex and particularly creative projects and efficiently develop them further. With simple structures and clearly defined responsibilities, agility can be used to its fullest. Consequently, the project plan is well structured while at the same time, your team is being flexible and ready for short-term changes. Scrum does not involve many rules and is thus quickly introduced into any company. Agile project management requires an agile team in the first place. Communication paths are relatively short and communication transparent thanks to regular meetings. A so-called Product Owner sets the goal, which the team members then try to reach self-sufficiently. Furthermore, the team is supported by a Scrum Master, a kind of moderator, who is responsible for seamless communication and adherence to different meeting formats. If something doesn’t go according to plan, you have the possibility to invest in finding a solution on short-notice.