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Work Time Recording for Home-Office: Everything You Need to Know

| David Koehler / August 27, 2024
Work Time Recording for Home-Office: Everything You Need to Know

The corona pandemic has turned the world of work upside down - working from home has become the new normal for many employees. But with the increased flexibility come new challenges, especially when it comes to complying with legal requirements for recording working hours. In a ruling, the Federal Labor Court made it clear that the time recording obligations under the Working Hours Act (ArbZG) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG) also apply without restriction to home offices. Similar provisions also apply in Switzerland, where employers are also responsible for recording working hours. As a result, employers in Germany and Switzerland are responsible for recording their employees' working hours and ensuring that maximum working hours and break regulations are adhered to. This obligation also includes the responsibility to provide a reliable system for recording working hours and to ensure that working hours are correctly documented both in the office and in the home office.

For employers, this means not only compliance with these legal obligations, but also the possibility of delegating the task of time recording to their employees. This allows employees to document their working hours themselves - including start, end and breaks - even if they work remotely. Recording working hours in the home office is therefore a joint obligation of employers and employees, which is necessary to ensure correct time recording.

In this article, we take a closer look at the legal basis for time recording in the home office and show practical approaches to how companies and employees can effectively implement these requirements.

Legal framework for working time recording

The legal requirements for recording working hours also apply without restriction in the home office. Two central laws, the Working Hours Act (ArbZG) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG), form the legal basis for these obligations in Germany . In Switzerland, similar requirements are regulated by the Labor Act (ArG) and the associated ordinances.

According to Section 16 of the ArbZG, employers in Germany are obliged to record the working hours of their employees in order to ensure that the statutory maximum working hours and break regulations are adhered to. This obligation applies regardless of whether the work is carried out in the office or from home. Employers must also pay close attention to the regulations on limiting working hours (Section 3 ArbZG), break regulations (Section 4 ArbZG) and rest periods (Section 5 ArbZG).

In Switzerland, the Labor Act (ArG) applies. According to Article 46 of the Labor Act (ArG), employers are obliged to record the working hours of their employees in order to ensure compliance with the legal requirements. These include, among other things, maximum working hours and rest periods. However, there are certain simplifications that apply to employees with trust-based working hours or in collective employment agreements (GAV), which only require annual recording of working hours.

In addition, Section 3 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG) in Germany requires employers to organize working hours in such a way that the health and safety of employees is not endangered. In Switzerland, this protection is ensured by similar provisions in the Labor Code, which also require the implementation of a system for recording working hours that meets the specific requirements of home office.

Companies that disregard these legal requirements risk not only legal consequences, but also the health and well-being of their employees. Consistent time recording is therefore not only a legal requirement, but also an indispensable element of modern occupational health and safety - and ensures fair working conditions, even in the home office, both in Germany and Switzerland.

despite physical distance: Advantages of time tracking in the home office


Time recording in the home office offers employers numerous advantages that go far beyond mere compliance with legal requirements. In an increasingly flexible and decentralized working world, precise recording of working hours is becoming a crucial tool for efficient management and operational efficiency.

Overview of attendance and absences:

Time tracking enables employers to keep track of the working hours of all employees, regardless of whether they work in the office or from home. This makes it easier to monitor attendance, supports planning and helps to identify absences early and act accordingly.

Time savings through automated processes:

Digital time tracking systems automate many administrative tasks traditionally associated with recording working hours. This saves companies valuable time and minimizes the risk of errors that often occur with manual recording.

Efficient resource planning and personnel deployment:

The precise recording of working hours provides a solid basis for strategic resource planning and the optimization of personnel deployment. Especially in home offices, where direct monitoring is more difficult, time recording ensures that workloads are evenly distributed and bottlenecks are avoided.

Compliance with legal requirements and simple payroll accounting:

A key concern of time tracking in the home office is compliance with labor law regulations. Companies are required to accurately record their employees' working hours to ensure that all legal requirements, such as maximum working hours and break regulations, are met. In addition, time tracking facilitates payroll accounting by providing precise data that simplifies the calculation of salaries and overtime.

Overall, time tracking in the home office not only helps to fulfill legal obligations, but also creates the basis for a transparent and fair working environment. It enables companies to work more efficiently and strengthen employee trust.

Digital solutions for time recording in the home office


Numerous digital time tracking solutions are available to companies that are designed to meet the requirements of home offices. One system among these is the ERP Odoo. While many systems offer basic functions such as recording working hours, Odoo goes a step further and impresses with its versatility and modularity - characteristics that make it an ideal choice for companies looking for a flexible and scalable solution.

Odoo not only enables accurate time tracking , but also seamlessly integrates this data into business-critical processes such as HR and payroll. This connection significantly reduces administrative overhead while increasing efficiency, which is invaluable, especially in a dynamic work environment.

Another advantage of Odoo is its ability to adapt to the individual needs of every company, regardless of its size. In addition to accurate time tracking, Odoo also integrates accounting features that can be seamlessly integrated into other business processes. This versatility makes Odoo an ideal solution for companies looking for a flexible and scalable platform. Whether for small teams or large organizations, Odoo offers the flexibility needed to ensure effective time tracking in the home office.

While implementing a new time tracking solution may seem complex, Odoo makes this process simple and efficient. The user-friendly platform allows companies to seamlessly integrate time tracking into their existing workflows, making the transition smooth.

Contact us to learn more!

Practical implementation of time recording in the home office


Implementing a time tracking solution like Odoo in your home office can be surprisingly easy and effective if the right steps are followed. Here's how to integrate Odoo seamlessly into your workflows:

1. Easy setup and customization

Odoo scores with a user-friendly interface that makes setup a breeze. Companies can set specific rules for working hours, breaks and overtime directly in the system to ensure that all legal requirements are met effortlessly. With just a few clicks, your time tracking system is ready to go.

2. Integration into existing processes

Once set up, Odoo can be seamlessly integrated into your existing business processes. The recorded working hours flow directly into your payroll and project management, which noticeably reduces the administrative effort. This seamless connection ensures that all data is recorded consistently and without errors.

3. Scalability and expansion

Odoo grows with your business. Start with a basic time tracking solution and expand the system as needed. Whether detailed reports, automated billing or project-based time tracking - Odoo adapts flexibly to your growing needs and makes it easy for you to add new functions step by step.

4. Training and support

To ensure your employees get the most out of Odoo right from the start, the platform offers comprehensive training resources and first-class support. This support ensures a smooth start and helps to quickly overcome any initial hurdles. Your team will feel comfortable with the new solution in no time.

5. Ongoing optimization

Odoo is not just a solution, but a living system that is constantly evolving. Get regular feedback from your employees and adapt the system to the current needs of your company. This way you can ensure that time tracking not only complies with legal requirements, but also increases efficiency and increases satisfaction within the team.

Home office and flexibility


At first glance, introducing a time recording system in the home office may seem like a restriction on flexibility. But it actually offers an opportunity to fully exploit the advantages of the home office by promoting transparency and fairness in the relationship between employer and employee. Recording working hours ensures that both parties can make clear and understandable agreements without compromising the freedom that the home office offers.

Trust-based working hours is a model that promotes this flexibility even further by allowing employees to manage their working hours independently while ensuring compliance with legal requirements. A key benefit of home office time tracking is the ability for employees to organize their working hours flexibly. This means that they can adapt their working hours to their personal needs and the circumstances of their home environment. For example, an employee could interrupt their working hours to attend to family obligations and make up for this time later. This flexibility not only increases satisfaction but also productivity, as employees can do their work at a rhythm that is optimal for them.

In addition, time tracking creates the basis for fair and accurate payroll accounting. Without such a system, it would be difficult to correctly record and compensate for overtime or special working conditions in the home office. Accurately recording working hours ensures that all hours worked are recognized, which strengthens employees' trust in the payroll and contributes to motivation.

Our own working model has shown that time tracking in the home office not only makes it easier to comply with legal requirements, but also supports flexibility in everyday working life. Our employees have the freedom to structure their work in a way that suits them best, while ensuring that all legal and organizational requirements are met.

Tips for efficient time tracking in the home office with Odoo


Effective time tracking in the home office requires clear guidelines and the right technology. With Odoo, you can easily overcome this challenge. Here are some tips on how you can use Odoo to efficiently implement time tracking in your company:

Ensure objective, reliable and accessible time recording:

Time tracking should be objective, reliable and easily accessible for everyone involved. With Odoo, your employees have access to the system at any time, regardless of their location - whether via computer or smartphone. This ensures that working hours are correctly documented and available at all times.

Introduction and use of a time recording system:

Odoo integrates seamlessly into any existing work environment, even in a remote setting. The user-friendly and intuitive interface allows employees to quickly get used to the system and easily record their working hours. Implementing Odoo is easy, so you can start reaping the benefits right away.

Recording of overtime:

An effective time tracking system should not only record the start and end of working hours, but also overtime. Odoo allows you to make specific settings to ensure that all hours worked are accurately documented. This helps to ensure fair compensation and to meet all legal requirements.

Use flexibility in implementation:

Odoo offers companies the flexibility they need to adapt systematic time tracking to their specific needs. Whether it's about break regulations, flexible working hours or special requirements - Odoo can be individually configured to best support your company goals.

If you need support implementing an effective time tracking system with Odoo, you have come to the right place. With our extensive experience in customizing and implementing individual solutions, we are happy to help you increase the efficiency of your processes and integrate customized systems seamlessly into your company. Benefit from our expertise and let's optimize your time tracking together. Contact us today to find out more and discuss your specific requirements.


Proper time tracking in the home office is more than a legal requirement - it is a key to efficient management and a transparent work culture. With Odoo you have a flexible and powerful tool that can be seamlessly integrated into your existing processes. It not only enables precise recording of working hours and overtime, but also offers the flexibility needed to respond to the individual needs of your company.

Take the opportunity to optimize your time tracking with Odoo services, provided by our Agency, enhancing both the satisfaction and motivation of your employees while working from home.

Contact us today!


Tags: ERP

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Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
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