Marketingblatt - Marketing Blog


About the Author: Lena B.

W4 | W4 / October 1, 2018

Lena BeegLena holds a Bachelor's and Master of Arts degree in German Studies from Chemnitz University of Technology. By profiling in linguistics and media communication, she brings crucial skills and an intuitive feel in the fields of media and target group-specific copywriting as well as online communication.

She joined W4 in 2017 and started with us as a copywriter. She quickly developed into a content manager and took on extensive projects for internationally active clients, as well as further expanding her expertise. For our clients, she is responsible for various areas ranging from the strategic planning of targeted marketing measures to the copywriting of search engine optimised content for websites and social media channels to the implementation of automated marketing campaigns. She is characterised by a deep understanding of digital marketing.

In her position, Lena places great importance on providing high-quality content that meets the needs and expectations of the target groups. She keeps up to date with the latest trends and best practices in online, social media and search engine marketing.

As an expert in the field of content creation, she is instrumental in making our marketing strategies more effective and successful. Her knowledge and skills in digital marketing are invaluable to our team and our clients.

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Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
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