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Making the most of all opportunities – cross-channel marketing

W4 | W4 / June 18, 2021

There are various approaches to running online marketing on different channels: Multi-, Omni-, and cross-channel marketing are the most commonly used terms. Since users' communication needs are becoming increasingly diverse and they want to be able to choose flexibly when they want to obtain which information via their desired channel, cross-channel marketing is becoming more and more prominent.

What is cross-channel marketing?

Cross-channel marketing serves all key channels of modern online marketing and coordinates marketing measures across all channels. The aim is to offer prospects and customers a consistent user experience and to create synergies. In this context, it must of course also be taken into account that the customer journey nowadays often takes place via multiple devices.

The terms multi- and cross-channel marketing are often used synonymously. However, there are crucial differences: In multi-channel marketing, marketing measures run on different channels independently of each other. For example, a campaign runs only on one social media platform without offering users the opportunity to switch between channels. With this approach, the possibilities for generating leads and developing an appealing customer journey are very limited.

How does cross-channel marketing work?

First of all, companies should focus on channels that suit the target group in order to use the resources in a promising way. Once the right channels have been selected, media- or channel-specific content should be presented there. Blog posts, for example, serve very well to provide general information on a specific topic - this is indeed what readers expect. Detailed sales offers, on the other hand, are misplaced in a blog.


Let's assume a new product is to be launched or introduced. For this purpose, a short but concise social media post could initially be published that links to a more detailed news article on the website. If one now wants to find out more about the product or has a specific question about it, they can simply get in touch with a member of the customer service team via the chat function on the website. Following the successful communication in the chat, the user may receive an invitation to sign up for the company newsletter or subscribe to the news blog.

This is just one of many possibilities for converting prospects into leads and ultimately winning customers. The key is to intelligently cross-link all key communication channels to offer potential customers the right content at the right time via the right channel and to make their customer journey as effective as possible.

Advantages at a glance:

  • great potential to convert prospects to leads and afterward to customers
  • higher conversion rates
  • improved promotional impact & synergy effects
  • optimize customer experience & customer service
  • create a consistent brand experience

As a disadvantage of this marketing approach, the high effort to set up cross-channel campaigns could be considered. However, with a user-friendly marketing automation tool like HubSpot, this no longer remains a major challenge. After the first technical step, data silos can easily be dissolved and ONE comprehensive data basis can be created. All channels such as website, email, blog, or social media channels can be easily maintained via one platform thanks to modern marketing automation solutions. You can thus save resources over the medium term and increase the efficiency of your marketing measures.

Do you have questions about cross-channel marketing? Then please do not hesitate to contact us!

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Tags: Marketing Automation HubSpot

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Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
+41 44 562 49 39
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