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Find your perfect business software: Odoo and HubSpot explained

W4 | W4 / August 7, 2024
Find your perfect business software: Odoo and HubSpot explained

Choosing the right CRM system is crucial to the success of any company. An efficient software optimises sales, marketing and customer service processes, promotes customer loyalty and increases sales. But with so many options available, the decision can be difficult, especially if you are unsure which functions you need.

In this article, we take a comprehensive look at two of the leading CRM platforms: HubSpot CRM and Odoo. Both offer unique features and benefits that enable companies to fulfil their specific requirements in the best possible way. HubSpot focuses on the automation of marketing, sales and service processes through the intelligent use of AI. Odoo, on the other hand, enhances CRM with comprehensive ERP functions such as financial accounting, human resources and production planning.

Our aim is to give you a clear overview of the possibilities of both systems and help you make the best choice for your organisation. We'll explain the strengths, use cases and potential benefits of HubSpot and Odoo so you can make an informed decision about which business software is right for you.

Let's explore which system best suits your business needs and how it can help you streamline your processes and drive your business forward.


HubSpot or Odoo? An initial overview

When choosing the right business platform, it is important to consider the specific needs of your company. HubSpot CRM and Odoo offer different approaches and functionalities that may be more or less suitable depending on your requirements.

HubSpot CRM is known for its user-friendly interface and powerful marketing automation and sales tools. It seamlessly integrates sales, marketing and customer service processes, making it particularly attractive for companies that focus heavily on these areas. The platform also offers comprehensive website management features that enable targeted customer targeting and efficient campaign management.

Odoo, on the other hand, is a comprehensive ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system that goes far beyond CRM functionalities. It offers a wide range of applications, including accounting, personnel management, warehouse management and e-commerce. This flexibility and customisability make Odoo an excellent choice for companies looking for an integrated solution for different business areas. Especially in industries that have complex business processes and extensive administrative tasks, Odoo can score with its modular structure.

Both systems enable marketing automation and sales management, but Odoo offers additional features that are not available in HubSpot, such as accounting and HR management. The choice between these two platforms therefore depends heavily on the specific needs and priorities of your organisation.


Implementation and Incorporation

implementation HubSpot and Odoo

The implementation and incorporation of a new CRM or ERP system are crucial steps to ensure that your company can fully utilise the benefits of the new software. This is where HubSpot and Odoo offer different challenges and benefits.

HubSpot CRM: Quick and easy implementation with comprehensive support

HubSpot CRM is characterised by quick and easy implementation and comprehensive support. The user-friendly interface, ready-made templates and automated workflows enable companies to start using the platform quickly. As a certified HubSpot partner, we offer in-depth consulting and training to ensure that you can use HubSpot efficiently and individually. Our experienced HubSpot trainers will help you to quickly achieve initial success and effectively optimise your business processes.

Odoo: Comprehensive ERP system with more complex implementation

Odoo is distinguished by its comprehensive ERP structure, which goes far beyond CRM. Customisation and integration of the various Odoo modules often require professional support to ensure seamless integration into your business processes. As a certified Odoo partner, we have the expertise to efficiently implement, customise and integrate Odoo. Our services include detailed consulting, process analysis, as well as the implementation and customisation of Odoo apps. We work closely with you to develop customised solutions that meet your specific requirements and optimise your business processes. Our expertise in the development and integration of Odoo apps ensures precise customisation to your operational needs.


A comparison of functions

HubSpot & Odoo Functions

HubSpot CRM is the tool of choice for marketers and sales teams looking for a powerful platform for marketing automation, lead generation and detailed analytics. With its user-friendly interface, HubSpot enables companies to efficiently plan marketing campaigns, manage leads and optimise results with in-depth analytics.

In addition to functions such as inventory and project management, Odoo as a comprehensive ERP solution also covers areas such as accounting, human resources and more. This versatility makes Odoo particularly attractive for companies that are looking for an integrated platform for all operational requirements and appreciate the ability to seamlessly connect and automate different business processes.

Both systems offer integrated ticket systems for customer support, which enable enquiries to be processed efficiently. They also have comprehensive analysis and reporting functions that provide valuable insights and support decision-making. But how do HubSpot CRM and Odoo differ in specific areas such as sales management, marketing automation, feedback management, technician management, subscriber management and customer service options?

Sales management

HubSpot CRM offers you excellent integration of sales and marketing activities, enabling seamless lead generation and sales pipelines optimised by advanced AI applications. Predictive lead scoring uses CRM data and website analytics to prioritise high-value leads. AI-powered workflow automation enables personalised emails and automated tasks based on lead behaviour. Sales Hub integration allows sales processes to be managed efficiently, sales reps to better qualify leads and prioritise sales opportunities. HubSpot CRM's user interface is intuitive and makes it easy to track sales activities and create meaningful reports to monitor performance.

Odoo also has extensive sales management capabilities, but seamlessly integrates these functions with other business processes such as inventory management and accounting. Odoo's customisation capabilities allow your company to tailor sales processes to your specific needs. By integrating sales, inventory management and invoicing into one platform, you can increase efficiency and improve communication between different departments.


Marketing automation

HubSpot CRM is known for its robust marketing automation that enables companies to create, automate and analyse personalised marketing campaigns. With tools for email marketing, lead nurturing and social media management, HubSpot CRM offers a comprehensive solution for acquiring and nurturing leads. In addition, HubSpot uses advanced AI applications to optimise marketing strategies and improve interaction with the target group. The AI-powered features such as the Content Assistant, Social Post Creator and Social Listening Tool help marketers make data-driven decisions and create targeted content, maximising the effectiveness of campaigns.

Odoo not only focuses on marketing automation, but also integrates these functions with other operational processes such as sales and customer service. Odoo's modularity allows organisations to seamlessly connect marketing strategies with other business processes and implement automated workflows that increase efficiency and improve conversion rates.


Customer service options

HubSpot CRM supports customer service with integrated ticket systems that enable efficient management of customer enquiries. With features such as automated workflows for support requests and detailed reporting tools, you can optimise your customer service and improve customer satisfaction. HubSpot AI also contributes to this – based on customer history, it proactively offers relevant help articles, product suggestions or solutions. An AI-supported knowledge database enables quick self-help in the chat by automatically providing suitable content for frequent enquiries. Intelligent chatbots that continuously learn and adapt also offer personalised support in real time.

Odoo also offers comprehensive customer service options that go beyond mere ticket systems. Companies can manage service contracts, link support tickets to other business processes such as inventory and project management, and utilise comprehensive reporting capabilities to continuously improve service quality and strengthen customer loyalty.



Cost Structure Odoo and HubSpot

HubSpot CRM offers a free version that provides companies with an easy introduction to CRM. Paid plans are available for more extensive features and scalability, the cost of which can increase as you use and integrate more HubSpot tools.

Odoo uses modular pricing, which allows you to choose and pay for only the modules you need. This can potentially be more cost-effective, especially for businesses that want to integrate different functions such as CRM, warehousing, accounting and more. The flexibility of Odoo's modular pricing allows businesses to control and customise their costs based on their specific requirements.



User Experience HubSpot and Odoo

HubSpot's easily accessible user interface makes it simple to get started with the system, especially for new users. With clearly structured menus and intuitive navigation, companies can quickly become productive and optimise their workflows. There are also extensive customisation options – for example, you can configure and personalise dashboards, reports and workflows according to your individual requirements.

Odoo offers a high level of customisability, allowing you to precisely map and automate your business processes. However, the extensive customisation options of this ERP solution also mean that training for new users can take a little longer. Professional support is often required to ensure that the platform is utilised effectively and configured optimally.




HubSpot CRM has a large selection of native integrations and an extensive app marketplace. This diversity allows you to easily connect HubSpot with other important systems such as content management systems (CMS), shop systems, social media platforms or Google Workspace. The integrated solutions and apps help to automate workflows, synchronise data seamlessly and thus improve business operations.

Odoo, as an open source ERP system, offers even more extensive integration options. Thanks to its modular structure and open architecture, you can customise Odoo to your specific needs. The platform supports numerous standard integrations and also makes it possible to develop customised solutions that are perfectly tailored to existing systems and processes.

For those looking for the best of both worlds, there is a pre-built interface between HubSpot and Odoo. This enables a seamless integration of the strengths of both platforms, with HubSpot scoring with its AI-supported strength in marketing, reporting, forecasting and customer service, while Odoo offers its extensive ERP functionalities at an attractive price.

Are you struggling to connect your existing platforms with HubSpot or Odoo? This can significantly hinder the flow of data and automation. But don't worry - that's where the experts at W4 come in. We are your one-stop shop for efficient HubSpot and ERP integrations. We offer comprehensive advice and ongoing support to ensure your integrations are successful in the long term. Whether you need ready-made or customised interfaces, we offer solutions that meet your specific needs. Rely on our expertise to realise the full potential of your systems and improve your business processes.

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HubSpot CRM is an ideal solution for small to medium-sized companies due to its user-friendliness and basic functions. The platform is efficient and quick to deploy, making it particularly attractive for small and medium-sized companies that want to get started quickly. Larger companies benefit from extended HubSpot services such as the Suite Enterprise, which was developed specifically for their needs. Companies can create added value across different departments without the typical disadvantages of enterprise software.

Odoo, on the other hand, offers high scalability and is particularly suitable for growing companies. It is capable of managing large amounts of data and mapping complex business processes and is therefore able to meet changing requirements. However, this flexibility does not come without challenges: Customisation and continuous optimisation often require professional support to fully exploit the power of Odoo and ensure it meets the growing needs of the business.



Security and privacy are critical in today's digital world – especially when using platforms like HubSpot and Odoo. HubSpot sets the standard with a robust security infrastructure designed to protect sensitive data and fulfil compliance requirements. From advanced SSL encryption to single sign-on and two-factor authentication, HubSpot offers a variety of tools to securely control access to data. Regular security audits and threat analyses reinforce these measures to ensure the continuous security of your information. Built-in features such as GDPR-compliant data deletion and consent tracking facilitate regulatory compliance, while granular user roles and authorisations provide additional security.

Odoo, as an open source platform, offers a wide range of functions and extensions for the comprehensive management of business processes. The responsibility for implementation and configuration lies more with the users or their IT teams. Odoo also provides robust security features such as SSL encryption and access control. Daily backups are stored in multiple data centres on different continents to ensure resilience. The platform uses hardened Linux distributions for its cloud servers and implements firewalls and intrusion prevention systems to protect against threats such as DDoS attacks. Users can customise the security settings to meet specific requirements.

Both HubSpot and Odoo offer tools and resources to fulfil security standards and compliance requirements. The choice between the two platforms depends on a company's specific requirements and resources, as well as whether an integrated solution or a more customisable platform is preferred.



As you can see, HubSpot and Odoo are specialised platforms that can contribute significantly to your company's success if used correctly. HubSpot CRM is characterised by its user-friendliness and strong integration of marketing and sales processes. It offers extensive tools for marketing automation, lead generation and detailed analytics, making it particularly attractive for companies looking to optimise their marketing and sales strategies.

Odoo offers a modular ERP platform that goes beyond CRM functions and integrates areas such as accounting, HR management and e-commerce. This flexibility makes it possible to seamlessly connect and automate different business processes. Odoo is customisable and often requires professional support for implementation and integration, but offers a scalable solution that is particularly suitable for growing companies.

Both platforms offer comprehensive functions to fulfil security standards and compliance requirements. HubSpot impresses with its simple integration and user-friendliness, while Odoo scores with its flexibility and versatility. The decision between HubSpot and Odoo should be based on the specific requirements and complexity of your company's business processes. 

As an experienced implementation partner, we are at your side to help you select and implement the ideal CRM solution. With W4, you are ideally positioned. Our holistic approach ensures that we not only deliver technical solutions, but work closely with you to develop a customised solution that is perfectly tailored to your business.

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Tags: HubSpot CRM ERP

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Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
+41 44 562 49 39
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