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Storytelling 2.0 – Creating Story Worlds Makes All the Difference

W4 | W4 / August 22, 2018
Storytelling 2.0 – Creating Story Worlds Makes All the Difference

Stories are more popular than one-dimensional information such as status updates or other fact-based pieces of information. This is nothing new and storytelling has long been established in marketing. However, only few marketers think long term.

What is storytelling?

Storytelling is a common strategy among marketers. It is well known that information that creates emotions is processed better and remembered for longer. Considering the daily information overload that we are exposed to by going online, using various media or simply by walking down the street and past various advertising formats, it is particularly important to emotionalize your marketing message to make it memorable. Storytelling will do that: Emotions add value to your message and make it more meaningful to users.

Unfortunately, the elaborately produced content often has a very short life online as it usually targets only one group and is only distributed on 2-3 channels. It is quickly replaced by new content – just consider the short window in which content will show at the top of social media feeds. How can you make your content more meaningful over time and use it more effectively?

Storytelling 2.0

Liquid storytelling is the evolution of the original approach. It is all about involving the consumer in the story so that they can identify with the content and build a relationship with the brand or product. The customer should feel as part of a whole that actively contributes to the development of the story. This can be expressed by comments or ratings for example.

Making your stories not only emotionally appealing, but also potentially interactive, presents the best chance of reaching the right users. When consumers are actively involved, their willingness to share and thus disseminate content increases. Focussing on the potentially active users in storytelling has come to be called "experiential storytelling". The name already gives it away: experiences in which the user can participate are key. A simple chat discussion can already be a good start.

Strategic story worlds

The basic structure of Storytelling 2.0 is the creation of strategic story worlds. The goal is to coordinate and systematically create the stories so hat they appeal to the target groups over a longer period of time and across different touch points. This creates a tightly woven content network that will benefit your branding efforts. The core message of your company is repeated over a longer period of time, gaining significance the longer the story plays out. You produce and distribute variations or different aspects of your core story or core message and thus offer your consumers the opportunity to experience the story again and again. The particularly effective forms of modern storytelling - liquid storytelling and experiential storytelling - can be optimally integrated into story worlds.

Read more about this topic in our free white paper:

Download the free white paper here 

Your advantages with story worlds:

  • Increase awareness, branding
  • Address multiple audiences on all relevant channels
  • All communication formats can be used (social media, e-mail, website etc.)
  • Core message is conveyed in a diverse and memorable way

Our service

From target group definition to development to publication across all relevant channels: We gladly support you with our know-how. Our content team and our social media experts will provide you with a wealth of experience and the necessary skills. Get in touch! 
Read more: Content Marketing.

Tags: Content Marketing

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Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
+41 44 562 49 39
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