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Our Guide to Choosing the Right ERP: Important questions to Ask

Angelika Gmeiner | Angelika Gmeiner / June 26, 2024
Our Guide to Choosing the Right ERP: Important questions to Ask

Choosing the right Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a crucial decision for any small to medium-sized enterprise (SME). With a myriad of options available, each offering different features and benefits, the task can be daunting, especially for businesses with limited budgets. This article aims to simplify the process by highlighting the most important questions you need to ask when determining the best ERP for your company.

Additionally, we have compared six well-known ERPs, providing you with a comprehensive overview of how each stacks up in terms of functionality, cost, and scalability. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge necessary to make an informed decision that will support your business's growth and operational efficiency.

Important Considerations for Your ERP Evaluation


Before you decide on an ERP system, you as the project manager should have clarity on the following questions. These questions will help you evaluate the specific needs of your business, understand the capabilities of each ERP solution, and ensure that the chosen system aligns with your company’s goals and budget constraints. Having a clear understanding of these aspects will not only streamline the selection process but also increase the likelihood of a successful ERP implementation. Here are the critical questions you need to consider:

1. What are your goals with the implementation of an ERP system?
  • Which departments should work with the ERP system in the future?
  • What challenges do you want to overcome?
  • Which processes do you want to optimize?
  • What improvements do you expect in terms of efficiency, productivity and growth?

2. What requirements does your company have for an ERP system?

  • Which functions are essential for your industry and your business processes? 
  • Which interfaces do you need to other systems?
  • How many users will use the system and what rights do they each need?

3. What budget is available for the implementation and operation of the ERP system?

  • At this point, consider the costs for licenses, as well as implementation, training, ongoing support and, if necessary, system updates.
  • Make sure you plan for the long-term costs of the system.

4. Do you have the internal resources and expertise to implement the ERP system?

  • Do you need external consultants or implementation partners?
  • How will you train your employees on the new system?
  • Who is responsible for the ongoing maintenance and care of the system and the data?

5. Do you have a plan for data migration and integration?

  • How do you ensure that your existing data is transferred cleanly and correctly to the new system?
  • Is the data structure in the new system the same as your current data structure or does your data need to be prepared?
  • How do you integrate the ERP system with other systems?
  • Are there already interfaces or is individual programming required?

6. How will you measure the success of the ERP implementation?

  • What key performance indicators (KPIs) should you collect to track progress?
  • How will you ensure that the system delivers the expected benefits?

7. Do you have a plan for ongoing maintenance and support of the ERP system?

  • How will you manage system updates and bug fixes?
  • How will you support your employees with questions and problems?

Contact W4 today, and let us assist you in answering these questions and choose  the best ERP for your business!

ERP Showdown: Comparing Six Major ERP Systems for Your Business


In this section, we present a comparison table highlighting the features of six popular ERP systems specifically designed for small to medium-sized enterprises, which could be easily scaled to enterprise businesses as well. The table focuses on critical functionalities such as CRM, Finance, Marketing, and more. By comparing these features side-by-side, you can quickly identify which ERP systems offer the capabilities your business needs, helping you make a well-informed decision.


abacus logo

bexio-logo myfactory-logo Odoo - hover PROFFIX-LOGO sage-logo
CRM checked checked checked checked checked checked
E-Com. checked checked checked   checked
Shopping checked checked checked checked checked checked
Finance checked checked checked checked checked checked
MR checked checked checked
Warehouse Management checked checked checked checked checked checked
Payroll Accounting checked checked checked checked checked checked
Marketing checked checked checked
Production checked checked checked checked
Service Platform checked checked checked checked

Sales checked checked checked checked checked checked
User-Friendliness 4.4 2.9 3.9 4.6 5.0 4.4


Cost Breakdown: Comparing Pricing Structures of Leading ERP Systems

Understanding the financial implications of adopting an ERP system is crucial for SMEs with budget constraints. This section provides a price comparison of our six popular ERP solutions, highlighting their licensing models. By examining these factors, you can assess the affordability and value of each ERP option, ensuring alignment with your financial resources and operational needs.

Pricing         Affordability
abacus logo Upon Request  

15 CHF - 125 CHF

*depending on subscription tier and number of users


89 CHF - 166 CHF

*three subscription levels per month and user

Odoo - hover


*three subscription levels per month and user


52 CHF - 127 CHF

*five subscription levels per month and user


6 CHF - 214 CHF

*five subscription levels per month and user, or tiered user-numbers



Odoo: The Ideal ERP Choice for Small Businesses—Here's Why

At W4, we proudly endorse Odoo as our preferred ERP solution for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Odoo distinguishes itself as an open-source ERP system renowned for its versatility and extensive suite of integrated business applications. This comprehensive suite includes CRM, ODOO-accounting, HR, purchasing, warehouse management, manufacturing, and project management, all conveniently organized into customizable apps.

Odoo's strength lies in its flexibility and scalability, making it an ideal choice for SMEs aiming to streamline operations without compromising on functionality. The platform's modular approach allows businesses to tailor the ERP system to their specific needs, ensuring that every feature and integration aligns seamlessly with their operational requirements. Furthermore, Odoo's open-source nature fosters innovation and community-driven development, continuously expanding its capabilities and integrations with a wide range of third-party platforms.

How to Choose the Right ERP for Your Business?

Choosing the right ERP system is a critical and strategic decision for every company, as it impacts operational efficiency and growth potential. The selection process hinges on various factors unique to each organization.

Odoo stands out as an ideal choice for small and medium-sized enterprises seeking a flexible and scalable open-source solution. It offers a comprehensive array of features at a competitive price point and can be customized to fit specific business needs. As seasoned Odoo partners, we provide end-to-end support—from initial evaluation and implementation to tailored customization. Our implementation team combines strategic advisory expertise with proficient software developers adept at creating bespoke apps and interfaces.

To choose the optimal ERP solution for your company, thorough analysis of your business requirements and comparison of available solutions are essential steps. Requesting demos and seeking insights from companies already using ERP systems can provide invaluable perspectives. Regardless of your choice, implementing an ERP system represents an investment in your company's future. A well-chosen ERP solution enables streamlined processes, heightened productivity, and accelerated growth.

At W4 Marketing Agency we are happy to help you evaluate a wide range of ERP systems, ensuring your business harnesses the full potential of these transformative technologies.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

Tags: B2B ERP

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Sarah Wilhelm
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