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W4 | W4 / March 1, 2023

HR in the healthcare sector is constantly facing new challenges and digitalisation is gradually making its way into this field. Digital resources for administrative and recruiting processes increase efficiency and highlight the attractiveness of a hospital or clinic. So in which areas do established methods still pay off?

Digitalisation accompanies us every day. While it brings many advantages, it also poses challenges for many areas. This is also the case in the health sector and especially in the HR area of institutions such as hospitals and clinics. But what does it mean to have a modern HR management in the health sector and what challenges does this entail?

A shortage of skilled workers and cost constraints could lead to a revolution in recruiting. HR has to reinvent itself, because talent or people management in HR takes up about 60% of the time. People ought to be at the centre - but this still has to be compatible with the work processes for HR. Here, the digitisation of processes is of enormous help. One needs a portal for document management with an analytics tool. Meanwhile, there is a trend towards outsourcing. Be it HR administration, payroll outsourcing, job references or expense checks. Services are increasingly outsourced in these areas. This is also the case for the preparation of references, because an efficient process for the preparation of references can be guaranteed with industry-specific text modules. This results in a verifiable reduction in costs and effort. One thing is clear, this is a call for action! Processes are becoming increasingly digitalised. Recruiting is moving online. In the past, the candidates were more proactive, today the institutions and organisations have to assume this part of recruiting themselves. Consequently, a career website is the most important recruiting channel for a successful HR strategy. Often, however, this channel is difficult to find in healthcare organisations or is even missing completely.


Digital Where It Makes Sense - Analogue Where It Suits Best

The career page ensures a modern, target group-oriented and authentic presence on the internet. Education and training, the culture of the hospital or clinic and information about the medical departments and services are central topics nowadays. The role of social media should not be neglected. Social media may be used to recruit new employees, posts, videos, and testimonials from employees may generate a positive feeling among visitors and strengthen their trust in the health organisation.

While the digital recruiting process has proven itself, there are some reservations about the digitalisation of HR for existing employees. For example, in-person employee interviews are more effective. If the grading is removed in favour of a focus on appreciation and individuality, the system is in place for today and tomorrow. Instead of a discussion about grades, a dialogue about two or three individually chosen topics is much more appropriate. This not only reduces the required time for the discussion, but also encourages self-reflection. In the end, the selective use of digital or analogue measures depends on the target group and must always be assessed individually and according to the situation. In HR, especially in the health sector, this mix has proven itself - digital where the applicants require, analogue where the employees wish.

Our Services is a platform for vacancies in the healthcare sector. Due to this specialisation and our many years of expertise, the HR Forum HealthCare was founded in 2014 and takes place annually as part of the IFAS expo. Through the forum, we open the discussion on pressing topics between HR professionals and organisations in the healthcare sector and cover news as well as trends.

HR Forum

Tags: Employer Branding Healthcare

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Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
+41 44 562 49 39
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