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How to Determine the Value of Content?

W4 | W4 / April 20, 2018
How to Determine the Value of Content?

Data analyzes are the basis for planning targeted and successful marketing activities. Above all a good content marketing strategy is important if you want to generate leads and improve the visibility of the website on search engines. But even the best strategy does not do the trick if the quality of the content is not up to the challenge.
High quality content is a must if you want to generate more traffic and have the edge over your competitors. But what makes content actually good and how can you measure its quality?

First, you should decide for yourself what good content is, what its features are, and how pronounced these characteristics must be in order to be considered high quality. These considerations must of course be made with regard to the target group: what preferences and needs have to be addressed in order to draw attention?

Measured values

You have to analyze certain values in order to make a sound statement about the quality of the content. Which values are accurate depends on the values most relevant and interesting to the respective company. Which of these items are emphasized is entirely up to the company.

The following measured values are relevant for determining the quality of the content:

  • The number of page views
  • The duration of page views
  • The conversion rate

The values can be applied to the website as a whole or to individual content (e.g. landing pages).

When the measured values and their emphasis has been decided, a calculation formula should be created in order to obtain comparable results. It can be created simply by multiplying the individual factors (measured values). If a certain weighting of the values is desired, this can be easily incorporated into the formula as well.

Analytics tools

What would modern marketing be without analytics? Much more inefficient! Marketing automation tools such as HubSpot enable fast, clear and automated data collection and evaluation. Different channels can be recorded at the same time. The dashboard shows all the activities of the marketing automation software at a glance. This gives you all the important data without much effort. You immediately see which content is well received and can quickly initiate marketing strategies.


The advantages of content scoring are obvious: anyone who knows what content attracts interest among users has a good basis for expanding the customer base. By scoring your content, you will find out which topics will have the greatest impact on your visitors. Once you've found out what your target group is interested in and why, you can tailor your complete marketing strategy according to these insights.

By doing so, you will gain more prospects and customers in the long term. This takes less effort than it seems with marketing automation. You will quickly and easily obtain the information you need to keep your content up-to-date and improve your marketing strategies.

Tags: Content Marketing Analytics

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Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
+41 44 562 49 39
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