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SEO optimization based on psychological insights

W4 | W4 / December 7, 2018
SEO optimization based on psychological insights

By now, marketeers know that psychology plays an important part in improving marketing campaigns. If you know your customers’ behavior patterns, you can use this insight to tremendously influence their buying behavior. Apart from emotional branding, there is another important strategy that leads to successful online marketing: search engine optimization. Thanks to surprisingly informative insight into the (search-) behavior of users, companies can draw instructive conclusions for their product or offer.

SEO meets psychology

What at first seems incompatible due to different, thematic roots, has long since proven to be a fruitful combination. Search engines offer a detailed insight into the online behavior of users and have thus become a favored advisor. With just a few clicks and little effort, users can get answers to their personal questions or find solutions to their problems. Each day, Google records over 3,45 billion search queries, from which a vast pool of information about user actions is formed. From this information, psychological buying patterns can be deducted, which can in turn be used for profitable marketing activities. If you know the behavior of your target group, you can conclude valuable insights for your marketing strategy. To put it short: if you fulfill the desires of you customers and balance your content accordingly, it will pay out for your SEO and Google ranking.

The search engine approves

Criticized by many, loved by others: the anonymity of the internet. Due to the existing anonymity, users are able to find solutions to their personal problems. Search queries deliver decisive conclusions as to the concerns of potential customers. Thanks to this, tailored content that exactly fits the requirements can be produced. By now, search queries via voice input are common, which in turn leads to formulations in conversational language. User queries thus rarely are “SEO marketing agency Heidelberg“ but more likely “Which marketing agency in Heidelberg has specialized in SEO?“ Due to this knowledge, longtail keywords are being put into focus of marketing campaigns, since it is those that give proper insight into explicit queries of customers. Search queries aim at being answered. This may mean the wish to gather knowledge or to satisfy needs. If you create meaningful, valuable content as for example blog posts or whitepapers, you will get likes and shares – which in turn means positive consequences for your SEO. Moreover, the click-through-rate (CTR) increases, which stands for the number of link clicks (and thus visibility), if valuable pictures are used. Computer scientist and expert on convince techniques B.J. Fogg found out that users decide in a matter of moments whether a website seems reliable and attractive. Therefore, it makes sense to optimize your website for search engines. This entails factors like user friendly operability, qualified content as well as an attractive layout with consistent typographies.

Provide valuable content

The length of text as well as the quality of content are decisive for Google. The more detailed and thematically specified a text is, the higher is the visibility and session time of users on your website. The highest search results consist of around 1890 words and generate more leads than shorter ones. Only ever provide your customers with up-to-date information. Nobody is interested in studies from 2005 – and neither is SEO.

Tags: Content Marketing SEO

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Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
+41 44 562 49 39
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