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Angelika Gmeiner | Angelika Gmeiner / February 28, 2024

Product Information Management (PIM) systems play a crucial role in the optimization and centralization of product information and offer a comprehensive solution to the challenges of e-commerce platforms.

They act as central databases for all product-related information and enable the organized storage, enrichment and distribution of product information via various channels in different languages and are even capable of converting currencies and mass. In contrast to conventional methods of product information management using spreadsheets, for example, PIM systems offer standardized management of a wide variety of product attributes, specifications and marketing content.

In doing so, they solve numerous challenges.


PIM, or Product Information Management, is an important tool in the digital business world that helps companies to efficiently centralize, manage and keep product information up-to-date. In an age where customers demand accurate information, a PIM system is essential to ensure consistency and accuracy. This is especially true in the e-commerce, retail and manufacturing industries. 

What is PIM System?



PIM systems are crucial for e-commerce companies as they enable efficient management and optimization of product information. In a digital commerce landscape characterized by rapid change, PIM systems provide a central platform to consolidate, update and seamlessly disseminate product data. This is important to meet customer demands for accurate and up-to-date information, speed up the sales process and maintain brand integrity.


Challenges in managing product information without a PIM system

Without a PIM system, e-commerce companies face numerous challenges. Manually managing product information leads to inconsistencies, errors and delays. Managing an extensive product portfolio, adapting to different sales channels and updating data quickly become time-consuming tasks. Not only can this affect efficiency, but it can also negatively impact the customer experience and hinder growth.

  • Scattered data: Without PIM systems, data is often maintained in spreadsheets. Different versions of these often exist for each department or team, which means that your data is scattered and not up to date. PIM systems provide a central hub for storing all product information. This ensures that everyone involved has access to the most up-to-date and accurate data and reduces the risk of discrepancies across different channels.

  • Incomplete data: Without PIM systems, it is often difficult, and at the very least time-consuming, to maintain all the necessary product details across the company. With PIM systems, you can efficiently enrich them by adding relevant information such as images, descriptions, specifications and prices to the appropriate fields. This not only improves the customer experience, but also ensures consistency at all touchpoints. 'Forgetting' important details is prevented by marking certain entries as mandatory.

  • Efficient channel management: Without PIM systems, you would have to output the same data for each individual channel. PIM systems allow companies to seamlessly distribute product information across multiple sales channels, including their own stores, marketplaces and social media. This simplifies the process of launching new products and updates and shortens time to market.

  • Updates: Without a PIM system, updates also have to be made manually on every product and on every channel. PIM systems have automated processes that allow product information to be updated quickly, even if you don't personally trigger it.

  • Adaptability and scalability: Do you now think that there is nothing more adaptable and scalable than a table document? You are right to a certain extent. But as a successful e-commerce company, it is certainly your aspiration to have a large and individual product range. PIM systems are designed to handle increasing volumes of product information and adapt to changing business requirements to ensure that product information remains accurate and relevant at any scale.


Important PIM functions for e-commerce companies

  • Central data management: A PIM system enables the central storage of all product information, ensures consistency and facilitates maintenance and updating in real time.

  • Efficient data enrichment: With the ability to manage comprehensive product information including images, descriptions and specifications, a PIM system improves the quality of data and enhances the customer experience.

  • Kanalübergreifende Konsistenz: PIM sorgt für konsistente Produktinformationen über verschiedene Verkaufskanäle hinweg, was zu einer einheitlichen Markenbotschaft und einem professionellen Auftritt führt.

  • Cross-channel consistency: PIM ensures consistent product information across different sales channels, resulting in a uniform brand message and a professional appearance.

  • Scalability: PIM systems are designed to scale with the growth of the company and to function efficiently even with an increasing product portfolio and expanded requirements.

In summary, PIM systems are essential for e-commerce companies to meet the demands of a dynamic market. Not only do they provide an e-commerce solution to the challenges of product information management, but they also enable a more efficient and consistent presentation of product data, which ultimately leads to an improved customer experience and increased competitiveness.



The integration of PIM systems with other e-commerce tools such as content management systems (CMS) and store systems is a prerequisite for success. Here are some aspects that should be considered when it comes to integration:

  • System compatibility: Ensure that the PIM system is compatible with the existing software applications and systems. Examine the technical requirements, supported file formats and database types to avoid incompatibilities.

  • APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) & bidirectional data flows: PIM systems often offer APIs that allow data to be exchanged between different systems. By integrating APIs, product information can be synchronized between the PIM system, the CMS and the store. The integration should support a bidirectional data flow so that not only product information can be transferred from the PIM system to other tools, but also updates or changes in the CMS and from the store back to the PIM system.
    Therefore, before implementing a PIM system, make sure that your other programs also have the appropriate interface.

  • Data consistency: Ensure that data consistency is maintained between the PIM system and other integrated software applications. A uniform data structure and regular synchronization are crucial to avoid inconsistencies.

Advantages of implementing a PIM solution in e-commerce

Implementing a PIM solution in an e-commerce business offers a variety of benefits:

  • Central data management: A PIM system enables the central storage and management of all product information in one place. This ensures consistency and accuracy across all sales channels.

  • Efficient data enrichment: The solution enables the simple and time-saving enrichment of product information, including images, descriptions and specifications. This improves the quality of the data and enhances the customer experience.

  • Konsistenz über Kanäle hinweg: Eine PIM-Software sorgt als ‘single source of thruth’ für konsistente Produktinformationen auf verschiedenen Plattformen und Kanälen. Das fördert eine einheitliche Markenbotschaft und verbessert die Wiedererkennbarkeit.

  • Consistency across channels: As a 'single source of truth', PIM software ensures consistent product information on different platforms and channels. This promotes a uniform brand message and improves recognizability.

  • Better customer experience: More accurate and comprehensive product information improves the shopping experience for customers. This leads to higher satisfaction, reduced returns and stronger customer loyalty.

  • Multi-channel management: PIM enables seamless integration with various sales channels, including online stores, marketplaces and social media. This simplifies the management of product data in different environments.

  • Scalability: PIM systems are designed to scale with the growth of the company. They can easily handle an increasing number of products, categories and geographical markets.

  • Time and resource savings: By automating processes, PIM significantly reduces the manual effort involved in managing product information. This leads to increased efficiency and cost savings.

  • Better data quality: PIM systems offer functions for monitoring and improving data quality. Validation, standardization and maintenance processes ensure that the data is reliable and error-free.
  • Flexibility and customization: PIM solutions can be adapted to a company's specific requirements. They offer flexibility to support different product structures and business processes.

Implementing a PIM solution in an e-commerce business is therefore a strategic step to increase efficiency, improve data quality and optimize the customer experience, which ultimately leads to a competitive advantage.


Product information management (PIM) systems are essential tools for managing and centralizing product data to ensure consistency and accuracy across multiple channels. PIM systems come in different flavors, including cloud-based or on-premise solutions and open source options. Let's take a look at each type:

On-premise PIM systems

On-premises PIM systems are installed and hosted locally on the company's servers and infrastructure.

    • Control: Organizations have full control over the software, data and infrastructure.
    • Customization: On-premise solutions usually offer extensive customization options to meet specific business needs.
    • Security: Some organizations, especially those handling sensitive data, prefer on-premise solutions for enhanced security control.

    • Costs: As a rule, higher initial investments are required for software licenses, hardware and ongoing maintenance.
    • Scalability: Scaling can be more complex and time-consuming compared to cloud solutions.
    • Maintenance: Organizations are responsible for software updates, security patches and general system maintenance.

Cloud-based PIM systems

Cloud-based PIM systems are hosted on external servers and are accessible via the Internet.
    • Accessibility: Users can access the system from anywhere with an Internet connection.
    • Scalability: Cloud solutions typically offer easier scalability, allowing companies to customize resources based on their needs.
    • Cost: Typically a more cost-effective solution as it eliminates the need for significant initial investment in hardware.

    • Dependence on the internet: Relies on internet connection, which can be a challenge in areas with poor connectivity.
    • Security concerns: Some organizations may have concerns about the security of data hosted in the cloud, even though cloud providers invest heavily in security measures.

Open source PIM systems

Open source PIM systems have their source code publicly available so that users can view, modify and distribute the software.

    • Flexibility: Users can customize the software to meet specific business requirements.
    • Cost: There are usually no license fees, making it a cost-effective option for companies with the technical expertise to implement and customize.

    • Technical expertise: Implementation and maintenance may require a high level of technical expertise, limiting access for some organizations.
    • Support: Although open source communities often provide support, it may not be as comprehensive or responsive as commercial solutions.
    • Integration: Some open source solutions may not offer the same level of integration with other systems as commercial options.


Hybrid PIM systems

Hybrid PIM systems combine elements of both on-premise and cloud-based solutions, offering flexibility and scalability.

    • Customization: Enables a mix of on-premise and cloud-based components to meet specific business requirements.
    • Scalability: Provides scalability through cloud components while keeping control of critical data on-premises.
    • Costs: Provides a balance between initial costs and ongoing operational expenses.


    • Complexity: The integration between on-premise and cloud components can introduce complexity into the system architecture.

So when choosing a PIM system, your organization should consider their specific requirements, budget constraints and long-term business strategies to select the most suitable type for their needs.



From the variety of options available, we have made a conscious decision to partner with renowned industry leaders such as Akeneo and Lobster. We have broken down the advantages and disadvantages of both solutions for you below:


With a user-friendly interface and powerful features, Lobster_pim helps companies create and maintain product catalogs and synchronize them with various sales channels. The no-code approach sets this PIM system apart from others.

The pricing of Lobster_pim varies depending on the size of the company, range of functions and individual requirements. However, it can be said that Lobster_pim is in the mid to higher price segment compared to other PIM solutions.

    • Centralized data management: Lobster_pim enables centralized management of all product information, ensuring consistency and accuracy.
    • Multilingual support: Lobster_pim offers functions for easy management of multilingual product information, which is particularly advantageous for globally active companies.
    • Customizable user interface: Lobster_pim's intuitive user interface is customizable to meet the individual requirements and workflows of companies.
    • Integration with other systems: Seamless integration with other enterprise systems, such as ERP and e-commerce platforms, facilitates data transfer and usage.
    • No-code approach: simple, direct and fast. With no-code, employees contribute their process knowledge. Create applications themselves as citizen developers and relieve the burden on IT.

    • Costs: Depending on the size of the company and its requirements, the cost structure of Lobster_pim can be perceived as high.
    • Training time: Implementation and familiarization with the software requires time and training, especially for employees who are not yet familiar with PIM solutions.
    • Complexity: Lobster_pim can be too extensive and complex for small companies with simple product structures.

Akeneo PIM

Akeneo PIM is a leading Product Information Management (PIM) solution that aims to help companies manage and optimize their product information in a centralized way. The software enables product information to be efficiently captured, organized and managed to ensure a consistent and accurate data set for all sales channels.

Prices for Akeneo PIM can vary depending on the specific requirements and size of the company. Basically, the spectrum ranges from affordable entry-level offers for small companies to more expensive enterprise solutions for larger organizations. The exact costs depend on factors such as the number of products managed, the number of users and the desired functions.

    • Centralized data management: Akeneo PIM provides a centralized platform for managing all product information, enabling consistent and accurate data maintenance.
    • Flexibility: Akeneo PIM is customizable and scalable to meet the changing needs of businesses.
    • History: Akeneo PIM offers a comprehensive history function that makes it possible to track changes to product information and access previous versions.
    • Self-hosted or cloud-based: The flexibility to either self-host Akeneo PIM or rely on cloud services allows companies to customize the solution to their specific infrastructure requirements.
    • DAM (Digital Asset Management): Akeneo PIM integrates powerful digital asset management to efficiently organize and manage media assets.
    • Role management: Thanks to sophisticated role management, different users in different departments can be given appropriate access rights, which ensures security and control over the data.

    • Familiarization: Familiarization with the platform may require training, as it offers extensive functionality.
    • Integration: Seamless integration with existing systems can be a challenge in some cases and require additional development work.
    • Maintenance effort: Regular updating and maintenance of the software can take up resources and time.
    • Unfriendly import and export functionalities: This may require additional training or assistance from the support team.

It goes without saying that we are convinced by our partners, but we are also happy to support you at any time if you have opted for a different system solution. Our experts have knowledge of a wide range of programs.



It is clear that the choice of a PIM system depends not only on its functions, but also on the specific needs of the company planning to introduce it.

Our comparison shows that each system has its strengths and weaknesses. The latter can, however, be cleverly overcome if it does not meet the needs of the implementing company.

A comprehensive evaluation process makes it possible to assess the individual strengths and weaknesses of the PIM solutions in the context of the company's requirements and to make an informed decision.

Our team of PIM experts is always on hand to assist with evaluation and implementation. With extensive expertise and tried and tested methods, we are focused on understanding your company's individual requirements and recommending and implementing customized PIM solutions. In this way, you can ensure that your company benefits optimally from the advantages of efficient product information management.
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Tags: B2B E-Commerce PIM

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Sarah Wilhelm
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