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Put your brand in the spotlight with WeChat SEO

W4 | W4 / October 26, 2022

Your company’s WeChat Official Account is not getting you the desired results? 

Have no idea how to increase your brand's visibility? 

Is your audience’s attention to your brand waning?

If you answered yes to the above questions, then you should pause and work on your WeChat SEO. In this article, we will describe WeChat’s search engine optimization features and give you some tips on how to use SEO to reach more Chinese (potential) customers and increase your WeChat marketing in the first page that they are searching for

How does WeChat's SEO work?

The Super App WeChat is the most important tool for entering the Chinese market. It is the key platform for both local and international companies for brand awareness and customer acquisition. If you open a WeChat Official Account, you can reach a million users and often appear on their screens. But how can WeChat search help you increase your brand awareness and visibility?
WeChat matches users' behavior and expectations. It provides them with relevant channels for brands and products. The search engine offers a huge amount of content of all types and forms and through various channels, e.g., from friends and contacts or from third-party sources such as your business. 
The WeChat search engine displays:
  • WeChat Moments
  • WeChat Official Accounts
  • WeChat articles from WeChat Official Accounts 
  • WeChat Mini Programs
  • Products and Services
  • WeChat Brand Zone
  • Third-party platform content from social apps such as Zhihu
  • And much more

It sounds like a real and complete search engine, doesn’t it? The WeChat search system has high-quality search features and collects a lot of detailed and relevant data to help you with marketing strategy. You should take care of your SEO to get indexed by the system and give your brand more opportunities to be seen.

How to improve your wechat seo

Be Creative and innovative

Stop the monotony of basic WeChat features. Let your imagination run wild, and use mini-programs or mini-games within the app. Engage your audience in a fun way, make your content interactive, and let users play with your content. This is how you stand out from the other competitors in your field.

Develop Loyalty Programs

The Chinese market encourages incentives and rewards. Customer retention is much more steps advanced compared to the West. Most brands use Loyalty Programs for their long-term and non-long-term customers. Gamification and subscription programs are the most common forms.

Produce high-quality content

Of course, producing high-quality content is easier said than done, but on WeChat, content is king. The WeChat algorithm ranks user engagement rates (clicks, impressions, and interactions) and values the quality of your content. It is not enough to post articles, videos, or images. You also need to use appropriate and relevant keywords and produce interesting and unique content for your market.

Invest in other search options

WeChat works like Google and categorizes search results. As you may already know, it indexes products, articles, mini-programs, etc., but WeChat includes external sources such as Zhihu (Chinese Quora), Sogou (Chinese Wikipedia), and other video and music platforms. Since users can filter their searches, companies should invest in another source to provide relevant content to their target group. Zhihu is the perfect example, easy to use, and one of the most used. 

Other tips to increase your visibility

  • Post consistently
  • Know the local trends
  • Post at the right time your content content
  • Optimize your headlines and summaries
  • Utilise WeChat moments 
  • Use QR code
  • Use Paid Ads
  • Offer the WeChat Pay option to your audience
if you feel lost and want to improve your SEO and have a well-planned strategy for your brand, our team of professionals in Beijing will be happy to help you.

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Tags: B2B China Marketing

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Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
+41 44 562 49 39
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