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W4 ist ein Schweizer Unternehmen, das sich auf digitales Marketing, Webentwicklung und E-Commerce-Lösungen spezialisiert hat. W4 hilft seinen Kunden dabei, ihre Online-Präsenz zu erstellen und zu optimieren, ihre Sichtbarkeit und Konvertierungen zu erhöhen und ihr Geschäft auszubauen. W4 bietet eine Reihe von Dienstleistungen an, wie Webdesign, Webentwicklung, SEO, SEM, Social-Media-Marketing, E-Mail-Marketing, Content-Marketing, Analysen, bietet Lösungen für E-Commerce-Plattformen, Hubspot und mehr. W4 verfügt über ein Team erfahrener und kreativer Fachleute, die mit den neuesten Technologien und Best Practices arbeiten, um qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse zu liefern. W4 hat seinen Sitz in Zürich und verfügt über Niederlassungen in Deutschland, der Slowakei, China und Pakistan.

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Skilled professionals are few and far between. Recruiting them poses fresh challenges to companies across all sectors, and this tendency is growing. Marketing vacancies professionally is set to play an increasingly important role in this process. Traditional job advertisements only reach a fraction...
Nowadays, intranet is just as essential to companies as their own website. But as with websites, the best technology alone isn't enough to make a good platform. What matters is the functional interaction of technology and design. If both work in unison, an intranet site can benefit the whole...
Companies operating internationally in the sale of investment goods often have no direct access to their end users. Usually, they work through agents, sales partners and middlemen that sale the company's products in the respective countries. However, it is still possible for these companies to get...
Medium-sized companies specialized in the international sale of capital goods now face greater marketing challenges. Firstly, dealers in all countries need to be reached; secondly, end customers need to receive all relevant information in the appropriate form. These tasks are traditionally covered...

Christmas is always a perfect time to thank customers and business partners for their cooperation or to refresh stale contacts with a few cordial lines at the end of the year. 

Yes, you read it right: Local thinking and global acting may contradict the usual mantra of global players who believe passionately in thinking global and acting local. But when it comes to intercultural marketing, it is perfectly appropriate to engage with the cultures of the target markets. 

Millions of e-mail inboxes are filled to the brim each day with messages. The simpler, the more interesting and more trustworthy the manner in which company and industry news is presented, the better the chances that we will read them. In this issue, we have put together some of the basics in terms...

Finding the best staff available is becoming more and more difficult. In light of the current shortage in skilled professionals, companies have engaged in a veritable run on the best, making it all the more important to know exactly where to find them. After having already presented a basic...


Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
+41 44 562 49 39
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