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A bounced email is a message that can’t be delivered due to permanent errors like a wrong email address. This guide covers the main types of bounces: hard bounce vs. soft bounce, what causes them, their impact, and how to fix bounces.

The retail landscape is rapidly evolving every day, and businesses need to implement effective marketing strategies to make their business a success. Technology is playing a crucial role in reshaping consumer behaviour and consequently competition is also intensifying. In this scenario, retailers...

Nowadays, companies, whether B2B or B2C, use several communication channels to draw attention to their products and services. However, many companies are unclear whether a multi-channel or cross-channel approach should be pursued.Multi-channel marketing and cross-channel marketing are two terms...

We have already dealt extensively with the topic of lead generation. But what exactly is to be done once the leads have been generated? How can you develop your leads into qualified leads and ultimately into (long-term) customers? Lead Nurturing deals with this question. The term comes from the...

Non-profit organizations are dependent on their supporters: Whether in environmental protection or development aid, the charitable sector or health care. But how do you reach them in today's world? What can you do to get your message out into the world so that as many people as possible know about...

Have you heard of Graymail? If not, it is high time: Graymail is perhaps the reason why your newsletter suffers from low open rates. Graymail can even become a problem for the deliverability of your emails.

Direct marketers know about the benefits of email marketing. However, they also have to be familiar with legal guidelines. Those can differ from country to country. We have summarized the most important aspects for Germany and Switzerland.

Wherever we go, our smartphones are always nearby. Many things that used to require a desktop computer are now being done on mobile screens. One of these things is reading and writing emails. According toGoogle's Mobile Planetstudy, 76% of Swiss, 70% of Germans and 82% of Americans use mobile...


Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
+41 44 562 49 39
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