Marketingblatt - Marketing Blog


Wherever we go, our smartphones are always nearby. Many things that used to require a desktop computer are now being done on mobile screens. One of these things is reading and writing emails. According toGoogle's Mobile Planetstudy, 76% of Swiss, 70% of Germans and 82% of Americans use mobile...

You do not have to see a fortune teller to anticipate customers' desires and needs. Neither is a magic wand required to make customers' wishes come true. All you need to give your customers a rich, relevant and homogeneous customer journey is a suitable technological solution. But how to pick the...

Objectives are distinctive guideposts for managers and employees. They set the bar against which companies measure their success. The more concrete the objectives are formulated and the more easily measurable the parameters were defined, the more conclusive will be the results. 

Track, analyze, optimize – marketers know this process by heart. There are many tools for analyzing user behavior online. Experience has shown that a combination of two systems has offered the best data base for online marketing campaigns: Google Analytics and marketing automation solutions like...

As the popularity of marketing automation increases, the number of solution providers is growing too. Comparing the various solutions under various aspects like objectives, features and costs is essential to achieve the best ROI.

When big events are ahead, heads are spinning. The program has to be a hit and everything has be timed perfectly. The communication of the event also has to assure many positive responses. Not only does your communication have to be on point during the invitation phase, but also while and after the...

You surely do not want prospects to get lost on their way towards making a purchase and take their money to your competition instead. This happens more often than you think. Businesses are often unaware of the individual steps prospects take to become paying customers. The customer journey concept...

Inbound marketing helps potential customers to find brands. However, some companies struggle to do it successfully. Until recently the client belonged to a sketchy group of people. Today we know all about customers' likes and dislikes, their desires and problems. What does successful inbound...

The days of stiff, inflexible marketing campaigns are gone. Personalized marketing, lead management and marketing automation enable marketers to communicate at the right time to the right people. “Agile marketing” is a term that is commonly used in this context. What does it mean? 

Are PDF files a ranking killer? Not at all! Just like HTML sites, they can be optimized for search engines. In today's issue, we tell you how to optimize your PDF files and secure a place in the sun. 


Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
+41 44 562 49 39
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