Marketingblatt - Marketing Blog


Outsourcing your marketing content is the key factor to improve your strategy. From small start-ups to large corporations, they have to manage their website, blog and social media on their own and quickly. Sooner or later they realise that doing high response content marketing requires a lot of...

Wherever we go, our smartphones are always nearby. Many things that used to require a desktop computer are now being done on mobile screens. One of these things is reading and writing emails. According toGoogle's Mobile Planetstudy, 76% of Swiss, 70% of Germans and 82% of Americans use mobile...

If you want your content ranked at the top of search engines, you have to consider a lot. From the text structure and definition of keywords to the integration of media and links, certain features and factors must be taken into account. Effective content marketing requires a strategic approach that...

Many have realized that content is king. For this reason, more and more businesses offer PDF downloads on their websites as part of their content marketing campaigns. There are many options for downloadable content, yet it is often unclear as to what to expect from the various formats, among them...

Companies have pulled of the craziest stunts to attract the attention of potential customers. Shocking posters, provocative commercials or surprising interview questions belong to such extraordinary advertising campaigns. The principle of guerrilla marketing: The more extravagant and creative a...

Texts and images belong together in storytelling like salt and pepper on the kitchen table: they can be good on their own, but they make an irresistible mix together. Most readers will surely agree. An awesome image, a popping headline and chances are great that the rest of the blog post or story...

“Print is dead!” – We’ve all heard it, yet print remains a powerful tool in content marketing. Customer magazines captivate audiences with their tangible appeal, cutting through the digital noise. When paired with advertising campaigns, they enhance brand recall and create lasting impressions.


Yes, you read it right: Local thinking and global acting may contradict the usual mantra of global players who believe passionately in thinking global and acting local. But when it comes to intercultural marketing, it is perfectly appropriate to engage with the cultures of the target markets. 


Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
+41 44 562 49 39
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