Marketingblatt - Marketing Blog


Persona Marketing has become commonplace in many companies: user models are created with which businesses can characterize certain target groups. Subsequently, marketing activities based on these models can be tailored to specific target groups. Creating a negative persona can also provide valuable...

Marketing is strategy, marketing is psychology. There are a few, simple insights into human behavior that will drive your conversion rates through the roof. Details often make the difference.

Wherever we go, our smartphones are always nearby. Many things that used to require a desktop computer are now being done on mobile screens. One of these things is reading and writing emails. According toGoogle's Mobile Planetstudy, 76% of Swiss, 70% of Germans and 82% of Americans use mobile...

You do not have to see a fortune teller to anticipate customers' desires and needs. Neither is a magic wand required to make customers' wishes come true. All you need to give your customers a rich, relevant and homogeneous customer journey is a suitable technological solution. But how to pick the...

Track, analyze, optimize – marketers know this process by heart. There are many tools for analyzing user behavior online. Experience has shown that a combination of two systems has offered the best data base for online marketing campaigns: Google Analytics and marketing automation solutions like...


Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
+41 44 562 49 39
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