W4 ist ein Schweizer Unternehmen, das sich auf digitales Marketing, Webentwicklung und E-Commerce-Lösungen spezialisiert hat. W4 hilft seinen Kunden dabei, ihre Online-Präsenz zu erstellen und zu optimieren, ihre Sichtbarkeit und Konvertierungen zu erhöhen und ihr Geschäft auszubauen. W4 bietet eine Reihe von Dienstleistungen an, wie Webdesign, Webentwicklung, SEO, SEM, Social-Media-Marketing, E-Mail-Marketing, Content-Marketing, Analysen, bietet Lösungen für E-Commerce-Plattformen, Hubspot und mehr. W4 verfügt über ein Team erfahrener und kreativer Fachleute, die mit den neuesten Technologien und Best Practices arbeiten, um qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse zu liefern. W4 hat seinen Sitz in Zürich und verfügt über Niederlassungen in Deutschland, der Slowakei, China und Pakistan.
Many have realized that content is king. For this reason, more and more businesses offer PDF downloads on their websites as part of their content marketing campaigns. There are many options for downloadable content, yet it is often unclear as to what to expect from the various formats, among them...
Companies have pulled of the craziest stunts to attract the attention of potential customers. Shocking posters, provocative commercials or surprising interview questions belong to such extraordinary advertising campaigns. The principle of guerrilla marketing: The more extravagant and creative a...
Texts and images belong together in storytelling like salt and pepper on the kitchen table: they can be good on their own, but they make an irresistible mix together. Most readers will surely agree. An awesome image, a popping headline and chances are great that the rest of the blog post or story...
“Print is dead!” – We’ve all heard it, yet print remains a powerful tool in content marketing. Customer magazines captivate audiences with their tangible appeal, cutting through the digital noise. When paired with advertising campaigns, they enhance brand recall and create lasting impressions.
Services that are not directly connected to physical products can create an added value for clients and increase revenue with great profit margins. Many companies have already recognized this opportunity as a necessity, especially when the sale of products is stagnant. Has your industry caught up...
PDFs serve as a secure and reliable format for sharing crucial information internally and with clients, making them a powerful tool for business. Since 2001, search engines like Google have included PDFs in their searchable content, making them valuable assets for information discovery. This widens...
Together with outbound, inbound marketing is one of the two general strategies businesses recur to nowadays to attract leads and generate more customers. This strategy is heavily based on the premise of attracting the customer to the business with internally generated resources.
Yes, you read it right: Local thinking and global acting may contradict the usual mantra of global players who believe passionately in thinking global and acting local. But when it comes to intercultural marketing, it is perfectly appropriate to engage with the cultures of the target markets.