Marketingblatt - Marketing Blog




W4 ist ein Schweizer Unternehmen, das sich auf digitales Marketing, Webentwicklung und E-Commerce-Lösungen spezialisiert hat. W4 hilft seinen Kunden dabei, ihre Online-Präsenz zu erstellen und zu optimieren, ihre Sichtbarkeit und Konvertierungen zu erhöhen und ihr Geschäft auszubauen. W4 bietet eine Reihe von Dienstleistungen an, wie Webdesign, Webentwicklung, SEO, SEM, Social-Media-Marketing, E-Mail-Marketing, Content-Marketing, Analysen, bietet Lösungen für E-Commerce-Plattformen, Hubspot und mehr. W4 verfügt über ein Team erfahrener und kreativer Fachleute, die mit den neuesten Technologien und Best Practices arbeiten, um qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse zu liefern. W4 hat seinen Sitz in Zürich und verfügt über Niederlassungen in Deutschland, der Slowakei, China und Pakistan.

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It is often easier to retain customers than to acquire new ones. That is precisely where Customer Retention Management comes in: The aim is to bind customers to the company in the long term in the simplest possible way and to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty through various measures....

More and more companies are turning to digital or virtual events to offer their prospects and customers exciting experiences worldwide. In times of globalization, this is a must for many companies! But even companies that focus on one country have recognized the almost inevitable trend towards...

Do you want to know where is the perfect place to raise your sales during these difficult times?

Do you know why you should choose a Chinese B2C platform?

Chinese people love to buy online much more than Westerners. You can buy anything you could want (clothes, food, computers, digital products,...

About The Author: Angelika Gmeiner

by W4 / 17. October 2020

Angelika ist eine Expertin in der Erstellung von Inhalten mit einer einzigartigen Fähigkeit, Materialien zu gestalten, die nicht nur fesseln, sondern auch unser Publikum aufklären und ihm erheblichen Mehrwert bieten. Mit einem tiefen Verständnis für moderne Marketingstrategien spielt sie eine...

Requirements for a CMS in 2021

by W4 / 16. October 2020

If a website relaunch is imminent, the following questions quickly become an issue: "What requirements do we have for the new CMS?" and "Do we do better with an open source system or with a SaaS solution? Both CMS variants have advantages and disadvantages. It is also relevant for decision-making...

About the Author: David Koehler

by W4 / 1. October 2020

With his extensive experience as a Data Protection Officer and in-depth knowledge of European GDPR and Swiss revDSG, David Köhler is an indispensable pillar for the W4 team. He combines profound knowledge with practical experience to help our clients effectively and legally manage their data...

Where do companies in sensor and measurement technology stand in 2020? According to the AMA Association for Sensor and Measuring Technology, the industry is expecting a decline in turnover of four percent for the second quarter. "Since the national and international sales markets have collapsed...

Non-profit organizations are dependent on their supporters: Whether in environmental protection or development aid, the charitable sector or health care. But how do you reach them in today's world? What can you do to get your message out into the world so that as many people as possible know about...

If we discuss Headless CMS, there is always a discussion about progressive Web Apps (PWA) nearby. So-called PWAs form the web interface for the content stored in Headless CMS.

No earlier than a few years ago, content management systems had the task of enabling copywriters to edit content via a backend and to store the content on a database. The stored data was displayed as a web page in the appropriate design via a created view in the frontend. Today, a website is only...


Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
+41 44 562 49 39
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