Marketingblatt - Marketing Blog


Delivering the Right Content at the Right Time

Every successful customer interaction starts with a spark. The spark, in today’s digital world, consists of well-crafted content. Whether it is a blog post or an engaging newsletter, content needs to be present throughout the customer journey to promote

Knowledge is power! This proverb doesn’t exist without a reason. If you gather profound knowledge in a specific field, you certainly gain an advantage over your competition. Thanks to digitalization and globalization, we are nowadays able to obtain knowledge from all corners of the world. Webinars...

Social media presentation has long been an essential part of B2C companies‘ marketing strategy. These platforms are used to present products and brands and to reach (potential) customers. At least 78% of all internet users access social media, too. Whether spreading of news, information about new...

Every B2B marketers' main objective is to generate demand for the products and services of their business. Ideally, this demand becomes a long-term business relationship. In doing so, marketers should be able to make predictions on the number of qualified leads their activities generate over the...

YouTube is more than a platform for personal entertainment after work. YouTube has become a search engine for specific B2B content. Often times Google displays tagged videos above Wikipedia pages in the search results.

Services that are not directly connected to physical products can create an added value for clients and increase revenue with great profit margins. Many companies have already recognized this opportunity as a necessity, especially when the sale of products is stagnant. Has your industry caught up...

Christmas is always a perfect time to thank customers and business partners for their cooperation or to refresh stale contacts with a few cordial lines at the end of the year. 


Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
+41 44 562 49 39
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